

What Does Name "Oasis" Mean

You are patient, persevering and strong willed. You are a good student, absorbing knowledge easily and retaining it well. You are either a saint or a sinner. You tend to hold things inside and suffer in silence.You are frank, methodical and believe in law, system and order.

You desire to inspire and lead, to control other's affairs. You are giving, courageous and bold, action oriented,energetic and strong willed. You want to make a difference in the world, and this attitude often attracts you to cultural interests, politics, social issues, and the cultivation of your creative talents.

16/7 Soul Urge Number

The Soul Urge Number is who you really are.

The number 7 is the most mystical of all numbers. Seven is the number of a Soul and symbolizes "Spiritual Victory," quest for higher truth. In silence, peace and self-examination we go toward perfection. In a criticism of others, suspicion, judgment, and sharp practice, we create our obstacles and difficulties.

Sevens are highly intuitive. They have a reservoir of inspired wisdom combined with inherited analytical ability, which could reward them through expressions of spiritual leadership, business analysis, marketing, artistic visions, and scientific research. Operating on the spiritual side of their individuality can bring Sevens to the great heights, and drop them off if they neglect their true spiritual identity.

18/9 Expression Number

Your Expression Number is what you must do.

The number 9 signified the Completion of the cycle - it completed the circle of number one through nine. Nine include all numbers and all planets; therefore, it stand as a Universal Number. It can symbolize the lifetime of fulfillment, when Nine is dedicated to service - anywhere, everywhere, to anyone. Because of its size of the extension, Nine is the most emotional influence we have to deal with. Nines love more than the rest - and they suffer more; they give more than the rest - and leaves them more deprived; they are more idealistic than the rest - and they become more disillusioned. Nines are being given so much from their birth that it is their mission to establish Universal Love and the Brotherhood of Man.

Nines come to this world to experience the power of letting go. They might learn from an early childhood that there are either relationship, beliefs, values or personal power must be given away. It is one of the most difficult but also the most fulfilling number of all. Once accessed the power of letting go, Nines are happy and carefree. They don't get attached to people and things in life. They see themselves as part of the big picture and feel in tune with the cosmic flow.

Source: SevenReflections


In geography, an oasis (plural: oases) or cienega (Southwestern United States) is an isolated area of vegetation in a desert, typically surrounding a spring or similar water source. Oases also provide habitat for animals and even humans if the area is big enough. The location of oases has been of critical importance for trade and transportation routes in desert areas; caravans must travel via oases so that supplies of water and food can be replenished. Thus, political or military control of an oasis has in many cases meant control of trade on a particular route. For example, the oases of Awjila, Ghadames, and Kufra, situated in modern-day Libya, have at various times been vital to both North-South and East-West trade in the Sahara Desert.

Oases are formed from underground rivers or aquifers such as an artesian aquifer, where water can reach the surface naturally by pressure or by man-made wells. Occasional brief thunderstorms provide subterranean water to sustain natural oases, such as the Tuat. Substrata of impermeable rock and stone can trap water and retain it in pockets, or on long faulting subsurface ridges or volcanic dikes water can collect and percolate to the surface. Any incidence of water is then used by migrating birds, which also pass seeds with their droppings which will grow at the water's edge forming an oasis.

Source: Wikipedia

Oasis (Software)

Oasis is the name of a piece of software developed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that converts audio signals such as cellphone calls and television and radio broadcasts into readable and searchable text. It is designed to intelligently analyze an audio signal such as a cellphone call in order to identify and label each speaker (Male 1, Male 2, Female 1, and so forth). Oasis is also able to intelligently reference terms, such as by linking "car bomb" with "terrorism". Oasis will eventually be able to recognize key languages such as Arabic and Chinese, as well as English.

Source: Wikipedia

Oasis (Drink)

Oasis is a non-carbonated bottled soft drink, a product of Orangina Schweppes. In the UK it is manufactured by the Coca-Cola Enterprises in conjunction with Coca-Cola Company subsidiary Atlantic Industries and in the Republic of Ireland it is distributed by Coca-Cola HBC Ireland. It originated in France by Volvic in 1966 and initially distributed under the name 'Pulse', until flagging sales led to a rebrand and its current name 'Oasis' being introduced. The drink is described as a "fruit juice drink - with sugar and sweeteners".

Advertising campaigns for Oasis target adults and promote the drink as an alternative to water. The drink was promoted in a TV advertising campaign in Britain with the well-known entertainer and actor Mike Reid, who at the time was at the height of his fame as Frank Butcher in EastEnders. One phrase has been "Open, pour. Be yourself once more.".

More recently, Oasis' advertising campaign "Run Cactus Kid Run" features a human-cactus hybrid known as Cactus Boy, as he goes on the run with his lover, a young girl from Kansas, Cactus Girl, who is pregnant with his strange cactus baby. These advertisements are loosely based on the film Badlands, using the same music.

Another campaign depicted Rubberduckzilla, a giant rubber duck who invades a Japanese city, destroying anything with water in its sight.

A new campaign in 2011 featured a bottle of Oasis and a Scotch egg.

In 2012, Oasis launched its new slogan, "Be Fruit".

On May 2013, Oasis will be imported to stores and supermarkets around the Ivory Coast.

By the end of 2013, Oasis will be imported to stores and supermarkets around Madagascar.

In April 2014, it was announced on many news reporter websites that Coca Cola UK will be entering the 'on the go' squash market with their new Oasis Mighty Drops. These became available in mid-may with the flavours Mixed Berry, Mango and Raspberry Lemonade.

Source: Wikipedia

OASIS - Air Minum Dalam Kemasan


Sudah 30 tahun, setiap tetes dari air kemasan Oasis yang kita sajikan merupakan air asli, segar dari mata air jernih di Ciburial, West java.

Oasis didirikan di Indonesia 15 Maret 1984, dibawah naungan PT. Santa Rosa Indonesia, dan pertama kali dipasarkan di area DKI Jakarta, Cilegon dan Bandung.

Kantor pusat OASIS berada di DKI Jakarta, dengan 15 kantor cabang lainnga yang melayani lebih dari 20,000 pelanggan di Indonesia dengan pabrik yang tersebar di Bogor, Bali, Palembang dan Surabaya.

Menyediakan akses air bersih untuk masyarakat Indonesia merupakan komitmen kami karena kepercayaan kami bahwa air bersih dapat memperbaiki kehidupan.

Hingga saat ini, Oasis berdedikasi untuk menyediakan air minum yang aman untuk masyarakat Indonesia di seluruh penjuru tanah air.

Source: Wikipedia
